Digital Video Converter

Why and How to Convert Digital Videos

Digital Video is easier to manipulate and
copy from one medium to another.

There are several big advantages in having all your video in a digital format:

  1. You can easily make copies of your video. Once you've converted your videos to a digital format, you can make a copy of a copy of a copy and you WON'T lose picture quality each time, because you're copying the SAME stream of data. With analog videos, each time you copy it, you're subject to electronic noise, which reduces the sound and picture quality.

  2. The digital video won't wear out. A physical video disc does wear and tear, but as long as you have the video backed up, you can always make a brand new, fresh copy and it won't look worn out.
  3. You can easily convert a digital video to use in different applications. An analog video tape must go in an analog tape player. But you can convert digital video to go onto a DVD, be sent through email, be broadcast on the web, or be played on a mobile phone. There's no limit, as long as you have the right tools to convert the video from one digital format to another.
  4. You can edit the video and create menus on home video DVDs. Creating home videos is truly the funnest part of using digital video. You can edit out the parts that look bad, and arrange the parts that look good. You can erase embarrassing moments.or you can highlight them (for your kids). Anything is possible once the video is converted to the right digital format.

Of course, converting digital videos does take certain equipment. Aside from a computer powerful enough to handle the load, you will need a digital video converter. Depending on what you want to do with the video, you might need other equipment and software as well. These are the four basic steps to converting digital video. Click on each step below for more information:

Digital Video Converter - From Analog to Digital

Digital Video Converter - Putting Digital Video From or To a DVD

Digital Video Converter - Converting One Digital Format To Another


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